
We have all heard the tale of the glorious hero Abhimanyu from the Mahabharata, who learnt the art of warfare in his mother's womb. According to our ancient Indian scriptures, a child starts absorbing thoughts, emotions, and values even before birth, and the knowledge imparted to a child in the womb has an effect on his entire life. The values given to the child in the womb during pregnancy are known as Garbh Sanskar.

Garbh Sanskar consists of all the changes a mother brings to her behaviour and routine in order to stay happy and positive so as to provide an optimistic environment for the growth of her baby.

Benefits of Garbh Sanskar

1. Establish strong bonding between mother and unborn child.

2. Provides a positive environment during pregnancy.

3. Improves physical and mental growth of your unborn baby.

4. Helps in the birth of intelligent and beautiful baby.

Some of the basic techniques for Garbh Sanskar:

  1. Maintain a Positive Attitude

    If a mother remains calm and composed, then positive energy flows through her body, which has a direct effect on the child. If a mother is stressed during pregnancy, her body releases catecholamines in response to emotional or physical stress. This has a negative impact on the child. Also, when a child is exposed to a negative environment, it retaliates to save itself. It slows down the growth of the baby as the energy that is spent in response to stress is the same energy that helps in its overall development.

  2. Stay Away from Toxins

    Refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and other similar substances. They are destructive to the physical and mental health of a mother and her baby.

  3. Create a List of Positive Values

    Think and revise all the positive values that you wish to inculcate in your baby. Values such as compassion, kindness, and truthfulness that contribute to your child's strong character can be instilled in them even before they are born.

  4. Participate in Activities that Make you Happy

    Stay away from things that make you angry and feel bad. To do so, engross yourself in activities of your interest, such as painting, domestic chores, listening to music, talking to friends, pottery, gardening, etc.

  5. Read Good Books

    Read books that are uplifting, such as religious books, autobiographies of great leaders, or comic novels that make you laugh. They will keep you emotionally and mentally blissful.

  6. Elderly care

    Elderly face physical ,cognitive difficulties and emotional problems hampering their daily routine activities and cause growing concern for their families.

    Disease like arthritis,paralysis or any other illness causing physical impairment.

    Memory loss ,poor judgement and dementia impair their ability to live safely and independently.

    Emotional issues like loneliness,social awkwardness,irritability after suffering from long duration of illness and thereby tend to have suicidal thoughts.

    It is a miserable feeling to have to watch our elders struggle to perform daily activities while they are suffering from a debilitating condition. While you wish to support them in every step of their life, your schedule might not give you time and space, leaving you feeling helpless.

    Ion care provides them with attendant services which help them from assisted living & companionship to nursing care,health screenings,particular disease care like diabetes,heart disease,parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s etc.

    Ion care nurses are educated and trained to care for elderly patients and understand their specific health needs.

    They provide patient-focused care to a vulnerable population with the ability to greatly improve their patients’ quality of life.

    They understand that conditions regarded as minor in a younger adult can quickly become serious or even life-threatening for an elderly person.

    How do our nurses provide elderly care ?

  7. Patient care
    • ● Assisting patients with basic needs including bathing, dressing and eating.
    • ● Encouraging patients to do as much as possible for themselves to help them feel independent.
    • ● Organising and administering medications according to the care plan.
    • ● Helping patients to exercise and administering therapies such as limb massages.
    • ● Planning, creating and managing patient health and care plans.
  8. Health assessment
    • ● Assisting physicians with physical exams and procedures to assess a patient's mental health and cognitive abilities
    • ● Recognizing the range of geriatric health problems such as mental declines, incontinence, falls and changes to sleep patterns.
    • ● Assessing patients' ability to perform daily routine tasks and self-care.
    • ● Monitoring patients daily to ensure that care plans remain appropriate to patient needs.
    • ● Recording all relevant information and vital signs accurately and completely in the patient notes and database.
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